Type of Posting: Publication Correction
Posting Date: 24–June–2016
USP recently discovered a technical error that is causing a data inconsistency with the Greek symbols between the USP–NF online and the USP–NF print products. In some instances the Greek symbols are displaying as upper case instead of lower case. Attached is a spreadsheet outlining which Greek symbols are affected and which General Chapters are impacted.
The discrepancy first appeared in the USP 39–NF 34 online through the USP 39–NF 34 Second Supplement online. The issue will be corrected in the USP 40–NF 35 online product.
USP apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Should you have any questions, please contact Caroline Martin, Director, Publications (301-816-8521 or cmw@usp.org).