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LORAZEPAM TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/System suitability/Suitability requirements USP36–NF31 4153 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1 of Tailing factor: Change
2.0, Standard solution
NMT 2.0, Standard solution
BRINZOLAMIDE Related compounds/Test 2 USP35–NF30 2385 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 15 of Procedure: Change
relative retention time greater than 6.
relative retention greater than 6.
VINORELBINE INJECTION Assay USP35–NF30 5028 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1: Change
Phosphate buffer, Mobile phase, and System suitability solution—Proceed as directed in the Assay under Vinorelbine Tartrate.
Phosphate buffer—Dissolve 6.9 g of monobasic sodium phosphate in 900 mL of water. Adjust with phosphoric acid… Read More
It contains NLT 90.0% and NMT 110.0% of the labeled amount of piperine.
It contains NLT 90.0% and NMT 110.0% of the labeled amount of piperine, calculated on the dried basis.
POLYVINYL ACETATE PHTHALATE IMPURITIES/Free Phthalic Acid USP36–NF31 2168 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
6 mg/mL of polyvinyl acetate
6 mg/mL of polyvinyl acetate phthalate
DILTIAZEM HYDROCHLORIDE ORAL SUSPENSION ASSAY/Procedure USP36–NF31 3263 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 6 of Sample solution: Change
Pipet 1.0 mL of the sample solution
Pipet 1.0 mL of the sample
IFOSFAMIDE Chloroform-insoluble phosphorus USP35–NF30 3477 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 18 of Test preparation: Change
ammonium hydroxide solution.
ammonium hydroxide.
ATROPINE SULFATE TABLETS Assay USP35–NF30 2272 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 9 of Procedure: Change
RU and RS are as defined therein.
RU and RS are the peak area ratios of atropine to homatropine.
VANCOMYCIN INJECTION SPECIFIC TESTS/Composition of Vancomycin USP35–NF30 5003 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 16 of Analysis: Change
D = dilution factor, Sample stock solution to Sample solution, 25
D = dilution factor, Sample stock solution to Sample solution
Line 29 of Analysis: Change
D = dilution factor, Read More
SUMATRIPTAN INJECTION SPECIFIC TESTS/Osmolality and Osmolarity <785> Second Supplement to USP35–NF30 5996 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1: Change
270–330 mOsmol
270–330 mOsmol/kg
INOSITOL SPECIFIC TESTS/Conductivity USP36–NF31 2049 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
Transfer 10.0 g of Inositol, weighed and calculated on the dried basis, to a 50-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in and dilute with water (previously boiled and cooled to room temperature) to volume.
0.2 g/mL of Inositol in water (previously… Read More
CLONAZEPAM ORAL SUSPENSION ASSAY/Procedure USP36–NF31 3053 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 6 of Sample solution: Change
Pipet 2.5 mL of the Sample solution
Pipet 2.5 mL of the sample
METHENAMINE ORAL SOLUTION ASSAY/Procedure USP36–NF31 4288 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 10 of Analysis: Change
BS = absorbance of the Sample blank
BS = absorbance of the Standard blank
AZITHROMYCIN IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure 2 USP35–NF30 2279 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 15 of Analysis: Change
CS = concentration of USP Azithromycin RS in the Standard solution (µg/mL)
CS = concentration of USP Azithromycin RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL)
Add after CU:
P = potency of USP… Read More
ATRACURIUM BESYLATE INJECTION IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Acceptance criteria/Table 2 Second Supplement to USP35–NF30 5909 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Footnote b: Change
cis isomer of the hydroxy compound.
trans isomer of the hydroxy compound.
Footnote c: Change
trans isomer of the hydroxy compound.
cis isomer of the hydroxy compound.
Footnote d: Change
cisRead More
ZINC SULFATE TABLETS Identification/B. Zinc USP35–NF30 5077 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1 of Sodium hydroxide solution: Change
42 mg/mL of sodium hydroxide
420 mg/mL of sodium hydroxide
DIETHYL SEBACATE DEFINITION USP36–NF31 1994 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 2: Change
Diethyl Sebacate consists of the diester of alcohol and sebacic acid.
Diethyl Sebacate consists of the diester of alcohol (ethanol) and sebacic acid.
PROPYLENE GLYCOL MONOLAURATE IMPURITIES/Limit of Propylene Glycol USP36–NF31 2180 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 8 of Analysis: Change
Calculate the percentage of free propylene glycol in the portion of Propylene Glycol Monocaprylate taken:
Calculate the percentage of free propylene glycol in the portion of Propylene Glycol Monolaurate taken:
GLUCONOLACTONE IDENTIFICATION/A. USP36–NF31 3742 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 5 of Analysis: Change
crystals of the phenylhydrazine of gluconic acid
crystals of the phenylhydrazide of gluconic acid
METHOTREXATE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure 1: Related Compounds USP35–NF30 3855 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Footnote b of Impurity Table 1: Change
(S)-2-{4-[(2-Amino-4-oxo-1,4-dihydropteridin-6-yl)methylamino]-N-methylbenzamido}pentanedioic acid.
(S)-2-(4-{[(2-Amino-4-oxo-1,4-dihydropteridin-6-yl)methyl](methyl)amino}benzamido)pentanedioic acid.
BETAMETHASONE ORAL SOLUTION Identification/A: USP35–NF30 2336 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1: Change
A: Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test <201>—
VINORELBINE INJECTION Related compounds USP35–NF30 5028 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Delete the subsection Standard solution and Diluted standard solution.
Replace with:
Standard solution—Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of USP Vinorelbine Tartrate RS in Mobile phase to obtain a solution having a known concentration of about 1.4 mg per mL.… Read More
<1079> GOOD STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION PRACTICES FOR DRUG PRODUCTS QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM/Storage Management System/Receiving and Transferring Drug Products USP36–NF31 693 1-Apr-2013 USP37–NF32 USP37–NF32 Line 1 of footnote 1: Change
JP Edmond,
JP Emond,
ACESULFAME POTASSIUM IMPURITIES/Limit of Fluoride USP35–NF30 1680 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 25 of Analysis: Change
C = concentration of fluoride in the Sample solution, from the standard curve (mg/mL)
C = concentration of fluoride in the Sample solution, from the standard curve (µg/mL)
AMANTADINE HYDROCHLORIDE CAPSULES PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 2 USP35–NF30 2153 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 5 of Chromatographic system: Change
Column: 0.32-mm × 30-cm, 0.25-μm film, phase G1
Column: 0.32-mm × 30-m, 0.25-μm film, phase G1
OXYBUTYNIN CHLORIDE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 2 USP35–NF30 4167 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 3 of Working standard solution: Change
or transfer 10 mL for Tablets labeled to contain 10 mg, to a 100-mL volumetric flask.
transfer 10 mL for Tablets labeled to contain 10 mg, or transfer 15 mL for Tablets labeled to contain 15 mg to a 100-mL volumetric flask.
ALLANTOIN IDENTIFICATION First Supplement to USP35–NF30 5429 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of B. Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test <201>: Change
The RF value of the principal spot from Sample solution A corresponds to that from Standard solution A, as described in the test for Organic Impurities.
The… Read More
CAPTOPRIL ORAL SUSPENSION Assay USP35–NF30 2477 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Mobile phase: Change
Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of methanol and water (11:9) containing 0.5 mL of phosphoric acid.
Methanol and water (55:45) containing 0.5 mL/L of phosphoric acid. Filter, and degas.
<621> CHROMATOGRAPHY SYSTEM SUITABILITY/Stationary Phase USP35–NF30 258 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 3 of Flow Rate (HPLC): Change
Read More
LOW-SUBSTITUTED HYDROXYPROPYL CELLULOSE Assay USP35–NF30 1822 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 2: Change
Hypromellose 2906, except to substitute Low-Substituted Hydroxypropyl Cellulose for Hypromellose 2906 throughout.
Hypromellose, except to substitute Low-Substituted Hydroxypropyl Cellulose for Hypromellose throughout.
NORGESTIMATE Limit of residual solvents USP35–NF30 4083 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Limit of residual solvents: Change
Limit of residual solvents <467>
VINCRISTINE SULFATE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP35–NF30 5022 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 5 of Analysis: Change
Result = [rUA/(ΣrUA + 25rUB)] × 100
Result = [rUA/(ΣrUA + 30rUB)] × 100
Change line 12 of… Read More
ADAPALENE IMPURITIES/Residual Solvent: Limit of Triethylamine Revision Bulletin (Official December 01, 2012) Online 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Diluent: Change
Dimethyl sulfoxide and 1 N sodium hydroxide solution (4:1)
Dimethyl sulfoxide
Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
3.2 μg/mL of USP Triethylamine RS in Diluent
4.0 μg/mL of USP Triethylamine RS in Diluent.… Read More
GLYCERYL BEHENATE IMPURITIES USP35–NF30 1811 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 34 of Content of 1-Monoglycerides/Analysis: Change
F = equivalency factor of glyceryl monobehenate, 207.3 mg/mEq
F = equivalency factor of glyceryl monobehenate, 0.2073 g/mEq
Line 19 of Limit of Free Glycerin/Analysis: Change
Read More
CAPTOPRIL ORAL SOLUTION Assay USP35–NF30 2477 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Mobile phase: Change
Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of methanol and water (11:9) containing 0.5 mL of phosphoric acid.
Methanol and water (55:45) containing 0.5 mL/L of phosphoric acid. Filter, and degas.
PHENYLALANINE IMPURITIES USP35–NF30 4296 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Heavy Metals, Method I <231>: Change
Method I
Method II
<232> ELEMENTAL IMPURITIES--LIMITS Drug Products/Large Volume Parenterals Second Supplement to USP35–NF30 5633 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Row 16 of Column 4 of Table 1: Change
Row 16 of Column 5 of Table 1: Change
<232> ELEMENTAL IMPURITIES--LIMITS Drug Substance and Excipients Second Supplement to USP35–NF30 5633 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Row 16 of Column 4 of Table 2: Change
<1050> VIRAL SAFETY EVALUATION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS DERIVED FROM CELL LINES OF HUMAN OR ANIMAL ORIGIN VI. Evaluation and Characterization of Viral Clearance Procedures USP35–NF30 553 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Row 10 (Reovirus 3) of Column 5 (Genome) of Table A-1: Change
MYRISTYL ALCOHOL SPECIFIC TESTS/Fats and Fixed Oils, Hydroxyl Value <401> USP35–NF30 1873 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 7 of Analysis: Change
Result = [(VUVB) × F]/W
VU = volume of 1 N sodium hydroxide consumed by the Sample (mL)
VB = volume of 1 N sodium hydroxide consumed by the Blank (mL)… Read More
ONDANSETRON INJECTION USP Reference Standards USP35–NF30 4120 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 7: Delete
USP Ondansetron Related Compound B RS
6,6´-Methylene bis-[(1,2,3,9-tetrahydro-9-methyl-3-[(2-methyl-1H-imidazol-1-yl)-methyl]-4H-carbazol-4-one.
ZINC GLUCONATE IMPURITIES/Limit of Cadmium USP35–NF30 5070 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 22 of Analysis: Change
W = weight of Calcium Gluconate taken to prepare Sample solution A (g)
W = weight of Zinc Gluconate taken to prepare Sample solution A (g)
TACROLIMUS ORAL SUSPENSION ASSAY/Chromatographic system USP36–NF31 5261 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 After line 1 of Column: Add a new section
Column temperature: 70°
GLYCERYL MONOOLEATE SPECIFIC TESTS/Fats and Fixed Oils, Fatty Acid Composition <401> USP35–NF30 1814 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Column 3 of Table 1: Change in Row 1
Percentage, NMT (%)
Percentage (%)
Change in Row 2
NMT 12.0
Change in Row 3
NMT 6.0
Change in Row 4
NLT 60.0
Change in Row 5
NMT 35.0
Change in Row 6
2.… Read More
LORATADINE ORALLY-DISINTEGRATING TABLETS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards USP35–NF30 3714 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 4 of USP Reference Standards: Change
Line 6: Change
310.83… Read More
TRIAZOLAM TABLETS Assay USP35–NF30 4936 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 2: Change
Mobile phase and Chromatographic system—Proceed as directed in the Assay under Triazolam.
Mobile phase—Prepare a filtered and degassed mixture of acetonitrile, chloroform, butyl alcohol, water, and glacial acetic acid (850:80:50:20:0.5… Read More
AZITHROMYCIN FOR INJECTION IMPURITIES/Limit of Aminoazithromycin, Formamido Analog, Methylformamido Analog, and 3’-De(dimethylamino)-3’-oxoazithromycin (if present) Second Supplement to USP35–NF30 5910 1-Feb-2013 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Buffer: Change
3.5 g/mL
3.5 g/L
Esomeprazole Magnesium Delayed-Release Capsules ASSAY/Procedure First Supplement to USP35–NF30 5473 1-Dec-2012 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
Transfer 10 mg of USP Omeprazole RS to a 250-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in about 10 mL of methanol.
Transfer 10 mg of USP Omeprazole RS to a 250-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in about 10 mL of alcohol.
Carisoprodol Tablets ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Second Supplement to USP35–NF30 5921 1-Dec-2012 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Line 5: At end of USP Reference Standards, add
USP Meprobamate RS
Olanzapine Tablets ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Revision Bulletin (Official July 01, 2012) Online 1-Dec-2012 USP37–NF32 Second Supplement to USP36–NF31 Lines 3 and 6: Change
USP Olanzapine Related Compound A RS
USP Olanzapine Related Compound B RS
USP Olanzapine Related Compound A RS
5… Read More