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METHYLPHENIDATE HYDROCHLORIDE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 2 USP38–NF33 4348 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 3 of Apparatus 7: Change
coil sample holder (Figure 4d).
spring sample holder (Figure 5d).
BANABA LEAF POWDER DEFINITION USP38–NF33 5903 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1: Change
dried leaves of Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. (Fam. Lythraceae) by extraction with hydroalcoholic mixtures.
dried leaves of Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. (Fam. Lythraceae) reduced to powder or very fine powder.
TELMISARTAN TABLETS ASSAY/Procedure Revision Bulletin (Official December 01, 2014) Online 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 2 of Standard solution: Change
of USP Telmisartan Related Compound A RS in Mobile phase.
of USP Telmisartan Related Compound A RS in Mobile phase from the Standard stock solution.
<1047> GENE THERAPY PRODUCTS APPENDIX USP38–NF33 883 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 8 of National and International Regulatory Documents: Delete
ISONIAZID IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities First Supplement to USP38–NF33 7413 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Row 2 of Column 1 of Table 1:Change
Row 5 of Column 1 of Table 1: Change
Row 6 of Column 1 of Table 1: Change
Read More
AZATHIOPRINE ASSAY/Procedure USP38–NF33 2334 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Standard stock solution: Change
0.1 mg/mL of USP Azathioprine RS prepared as follows.
0.5 mg/mL of USP Azathioprine RS prepared as follows.
CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE SPECIFIC TESTS/Water Determination, Method Ia <921> USP38–NF33 2828 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1: Change
Method Ia
Method Ic
LEVODOPA CAPSULES IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP38–NF33 4078 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 2 of Spray reagent: Change
(10 mg/mL)
(100 mg/mL)
dihydrate [6119-70-6].
dihydrate [207671-44-1].
VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 7 First Supplement to USP38–NF33 7478 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 6 of Analysis: Change
37 ± 0.5° at each time point.
37 ± 0.5°.
Line of 40 of Analysis:Delete the equation
Result5 = ({C5 × [V − (4 × Vs)]} + [(C4 + C3 + C2… Read More
CROMOLYN SODIUM OPHTHALMIC SOLUTION Related compounds USP38–NF33 2962 1-Jun-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1: Change
It meets the requirements of the test for Related compounds under Cromolyn Sodium Inhalation Solution, “Ophthalmic Solution” being read in place of “Inhalation Solution.”
Apply 10-µL portions of Ophthalmic Solution and Standard solutions of USP Cromolyn… Read More
PHENYTOIN SODIUM USP Reference standards <11> USP37–NF32 4289 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 3 of USP Phenytoin Related Compound A RS: Change
SORBITOL SORBITAN SOLUTION SPECIFIC TESTS USP37–NF32 6197 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of pH <791>: Change
4.0–7.0, in a 14% solution of Sorbitol Sorbitan Solution in carbon dioxide-free water
4.0–7.0, in a 14% (w/w) solution of Sorbitol Sorbitan Solution in carbon dioxide-free water
MINERAL OIL SPECIFIC TESTS/Readily Carbonizable Substances Test <271> Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 Online 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Acceptance criteria: Change
The Sample may turn hazy, but it remains colorless, or shows a slight pink or yellow color, and the Sample does not become darker than the Standard solution.
The oil portion of the Sample may turn hazy, but it… Read More
COSYNTROPIN SPECIFIC TESTS/UV Absorption Spectrophotometry USP38–NF33 2958 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
hydrochloric acid
AMINOBENZOIC ACID IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP37–NF32 1730 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Add the subsection:
Standard stock solution: 0.25 mg/mL each of USP Benzocaine RS and 4-nitrobenzoic acid in methanol
Line 2 of Standard solution: Change
in Mobile phase
in Mobile phase, from the Standard stock solution
ASPARTAME ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 5857 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 3 of Analysis: Change
crystal violet
crystal violet TS
RIVASTIGMINE TARTRATE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> First Supplement to USP37–NF32 Online 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 2 of USP Rivastigmine Related Compound A RS: Change
Di-p-toluoyl-D-(+)-tartaric acid monohydrate.
C20H20O9 404.37
(+)-Di-(p-toluoyl)-D-tartaric acid.
C20H18O8 386.35
CLARITHROMYCIN TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Chromatographic system USP38–NF33 2850 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Column: Change
4.6-mm × 10-cm; 3-µm packing L1
4.6-mm × 10-cm; 3.5-µm packing L1
RIVASTIGMINE TARTRATE CAPSULES ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP37–NF32 4616 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 2 of USP Rivastigmine Related Compound A RS: Change
Di-p-toluoyl-D-(+)-tartaric acid monohydrate.
C20H20O9 404.37
(+)-Di-(p-toluoyl)-D-tartaric acid.
C20H18O8 386.35
TREHALOSE IMPURITIES/Heavy Metals, Method I <231> USP37–NF32 6247 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Monitor preparation: Change
Prepare with 2.5 mL of Standard Lead Solution.
Prepare with 2.0 mL of Standard Lead Solution.
BISMUTH SUBCARBONATE IMPURITIES/Limit of Lead USP38–NF33 2449 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Acceptance criteria: Change
Meets the requirements
NMT 0.002%
QUETIAPINE FUMARATE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP38–NF33 5102 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 2 of Peak identification solution: Change
USP Quetiapine Fumarate Related Compound B RS
USP Quetiapine Related Compound B RS
Line 3 of Peak identification solution: Change
USP Quetiapine Fumarate Related Compound G RS
USP Quetiapine Related… Read More
BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 1961 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 2 of Sample solution: Change
5.0 mL each of the Internal standard solution and the Standard stock solution
5.0 mL each of the Internal standard solution and the Sample stock solution
PURIFIED BENTONITE IDENTIFICATION/A. X-Ray Diffraction <941> USP37–NF32 5862 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 4 of Acceptance criteria: Change
from the pattern of Sample B is 1.492 and 1.504 Å.
from the pattern of Sample B is between 1.492 and 1.504 Å.
FERRIC AMMONIUM CITRATE Mercury Second Supplement to USP37–NF32 Online 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 1 of Procedure: Change
Add 5 mL of stannous chloride solution (1 in 10) to each solution
Add 5 mL of Stannous Chloride Solution to each solution
COSYNTROPIN IDENTIFICATION/B. Amino Acid Analysis USP38–NF33 2958 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 8 of Sample hydrolysate preparation: Change
hydrochloric acid
WITCH HAZEL Limit of tannins USP37–NF32 5177 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 3 of Chromatographic system: Change
5.0-mm × 15-cm
4.6-mm × 15-cm
BUTORPHANOL TARTRATE NASAL SOLUTION IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6596 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Row 3 of Column 1 of Table 1: Change
CISATRACURIUM BESYLATE INJECTION ASSAY/Procedure USP38–NF33 2830 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 11 of Analysis: Change
CS = concentration of USP Cisatracurium Besylate RS in the Standard solution
CS = concentration of USP Cisatracurium Besylate RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL)
QUETIAPINE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711>/Test 3 USP38–NF33 5104 1-Apr-2015 USP39–NF34 USP39–NF34 Line 7 of Instrumental conditions: Change
10 0mg,
100 mg,
Line 5 of Tolerances: Change
For Tablets labeled to contain 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, or 400 mg:
For Tablets labeled to contain 50 mg, 100 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, or 400 mg:
MESALAMINE RECTAL SUSPENSION OTHER COMPONENTS/Content of Sodium Benzoate (if present) USP38–NF33 4270 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 5 of Analysis: Change
Result = (rU/rS) × CS × (10/W) × 100
Result = (rU/rS) × CS × (10/W)
CHLORAMPHENICOL SODIUM SUCCINATE Limit of free chloramphenicol USP37–NF32 2285 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 10 of Chromatographic system: Change
Chromatograph the Standard solution, and record the peak areas as directed for Procedure: the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not less than 2.0%.
Chromatograph the Standard solution, and… Read More
CIPROFLOXACIN EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> Revision Bulletin (Official October 01, 2014) Online 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 13 of Analysis in Test 1: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, 367.81
Mr2 = molecular weight of anhydrous ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, 367.81
Line 12 of Analysis in Test… Read More
METHOTREXATE IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure 1: Related Compounds USP37–NF32 3762 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution A: Change
0.1 μg/mL of USP Methotrexate RS in Solution A, from the Standard stock solution
0.1 µg/mL of USP Methotrexate RS in Solution A, from Standard stock solution A
TERAZOSIN TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> USP37–NF32 4874 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 10 of Analysis: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of terazosin hydrochloride dihydrate, 459.92
Mr2 = molecular weight of terazosin hydrochloride, 423.89
EXTENDED PHENYTOIN SODIUM CAPSULES IDENTIFICATION/A. Infrared Absorption—General <197> First Supplement to USP37–NF32 6681 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Sample: Change
6 mg/mL of phenytoin sodium in water from a suitable number of Capsules prepared as follows. Nominally transfer 300 mg of the powder into 50 mL of water in a separator.
300 mg of phenytoin sodium from the contents of Capsules in 50 mL of water in a… Read More
BUTABARBITAL SODIUM ORAL SOLUTION ASSAY/Procedure USP38–NF33 2500 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 17 of Analysis: Change
CU = nominal concentration of butabarbital sodium in the Sample solution (µg/mL)
CU = nominal concentration of butabarbital sodium in the Sample solution (mg/mL)
CITRIC ACID, MAGNESIUM OXIDE, AND SODIUM CARBONATE IRRIGATION ASSAY/Citric Acid USP38–NF33 2844 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 16 of Analysis: Change
CU = nominal concentration of citric acid monohydrate in the Assay preparation for citric acid/citrate assay (units/mL)
CU = nominal concentration of citric acid monohydrate in the Assay… Read More
AZITHROMYCIN IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities/Procedure 1 USP37–NF32 1886 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 6 of Analysis: Change
Calculate the percentages of desosaminylazithromycin and N-demethylazithromycin in the portion of Azithromycin taken:
Calculate the percentages of desosaminylazithromycin, N-demethylazithromycin, and azaerythromycin A in the portion of… Read More
VALSARTAN AND HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE TABLETS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Revision Bulletin (Official April 01, 2014) Online 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 2 of USP Valsartan Related Compound B RS: Change
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE CONCENTRATE ASSAY/Procedure USP37–NF32 3272 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
1 mL of Concentrate, diluted to 100 mL
Weigh about 1 mL of Concentrate in a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dilute with water to volume.
POTASSIUM BITARTRATE IDENTIFICATION USP37–NF32 4346 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Change
C. Identification Tests—General, Tartrate <191>
C. Identification Tests—General, Tartrate <191>: Meets the requirements
Delete subsections:
Sample solution: 1 in 10 solution
Acceptance criteria: Meets the requirements
ZIPRASIDONE HYDROCHLORIDE IMPURITIES/Limit of Tetrahydrofuran USP37–NF32 5219 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
0.05 mg/mL of USP Ziprasidone Hydrochloride RS in dimethyl sulfoxide
0.05 mg/mL of tetrahydrofuran in dimethyl sulfoxide
AMIODARONE HYDROCHLORIDE ORGANIC IMPURITIES/Procedure 1/Chromatographic system USP38–NF33 2198 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Adsorbent: Change
0.5-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel and fluorescent indicator with maximum absorbance at 254 nm
Suitable layer of chromatographic silica gel and fluorescent indicator with maximum absorbance at 254 nm
CAFFEINE CITRATE ORAL SOLUTION ASSAY/Procedure USP38–NF33 2521 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 5 of Analysis: Change
Result = (rU/rS) × CS × (Mr1/Mr2) × 100
Result = (rU/rS) × C Read More
PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE IMPURITIES/Limit of 1-Methyl-4-(p-fluorophenyl)-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine USP38–NF33 4765 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
42 mg/mL
42 ng/mL
ESTRADIOL VAGINAL INSERTS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> USP37–NF32 2866 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 3 of Analysis: Change
Calculate the amount of estradiol (C18H24O2) dissolved:
Record the chromatograms, and measure the responses for the estradiol peak. Construct a calibration curve by plotting the peak response versus concentration of… Read More
CIPROFLOXACIN EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities Revision Bulletin (Official October 01, 2014) Online 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 16 of Analysis: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, 367.81
Mr2 = molecular weight of anhydrous ciprofloxacin hydrochloride, 367.81
Line 14 of the second Calculate statement in Analysis… Read More
PACLITAXEL Related compounds/Test 2 (for Material Labeled as Produced by a Semisynthetic Process) USP37–NF32 4163 1-Feb-2015 USP39–NF34 Second Supplement to USP38–NF33 Line 6 after table in Chromatographic system: Change
the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0%.
the relative standard deviation for replicate injections is not more than 2.0% for the paclitaxel peak.