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REAGENTS SOLUTIONS/Volumetric Solutions USP41–NF36 5769 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of 0.1 N Potassium Hydroxide VS: Change
Transfer 100 mL of potassium hydroxide to a 1000-mL volumetric flask.
Transfer 100 mL of 1 N Potassium Hydroxide VS to a 1000-mL volumetric flask.
REPOSITORY CORTICOTROPIN INJECTION ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS USP41–NF36 1097 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 In USP Reference Standards <11>: Add
USP Ascorbic Acid RS
ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE CHEWABLE TABLETS Assay USP41–NF36 2270 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Change
Buffer solution, Mobile phase, Internal standard solution, Standard preparation, and Chromatographic system—Prepare as directed in the Assay under Diluted Isosorbide Dinitrate.
Buffer solution—… Read More
REAGENTS REAGENT SPECIFICATIONS USP41–NF36 5680 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of Carbon Disulfide, CS: Change
Carbon Disulfide, CS
Carbon Disulfide, CS2
COLCHICINE IMPURITIES/Limit of Ethyl Acetate/System suitability/Suitability requirements First Supplement to USP41–NF36 8314 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Delete
Tailing factor: NMT 2.0 for the menthol peak
ARGATROBAN IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP41–NF36 346 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Footnote b of Table 2: Change
Ethyl (2R,4R)-1-[N8-nitro-L-arginyl]-4-methylpiperidine-2-carboxylate hydrochloride.
Ethyl (4R)-1-[N8-nitro-L-arginyl]-4-methylpiperidine-2-carboxylate.
ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE TABLETS Assay USP41–NF36 2270 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Change
Buffer solution, Mobile phase, Internal standard solution, Standard preparation, and Chromatographic system—Prepare as directed in the Assay under Diluted Isosorbide Dinitrate.
Buffer… Read More
ZONISAMIDE CAPSULES PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> USP41–NF36 4410 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of Apparatus 2: Change
75 rpm, with sinkers (see Dissolution <711>, Figure 2a)
75 rpm. Use suitable sinkers, if necessary.
REAGENTS/INDICATORS AND SOLUTIONS SOLUTIONS/Volumetric Solutions/0.01 M Sodium Thiosulfate VS USP41–NF36 5772 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 In the equation in Standardization: Change
N = mg K2Cr2O7/49.04 x mL Na2S2O3
M = mg K2Cr2O7/49.04 x mL Na2S… Read More
DESLORATADINE TABLETS IMPURITIES USP41–NF36 1178 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Organic Impurities: Add
Protect all solutions containing desloratadine from light.
ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE SUBLINGUAL TABLETS Identification USP41–NF36 2272 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1: Change
Tablets respond to the Identification test under Isosorbide Dinitrate Tablets.
Transfer a suitable quantity of finely powdered Tablets to a glass-stoppered centrifuge tube. Add 10 mL of sodium hydroxide solution (1 in… Read More
HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OIL DEFINITION USP41–NF36 5649 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 2: Change
The melting range, heavy metals limit, iodine value, and saponification value differ,
The melting range, iodine value, and saponification value differ,
PEMETREXED FOR INJECTION ASSAY/Procedure/Analysis First Supplement to USP41–NF36 Online 1-May-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 8 of the variable definition list: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of pemetrexed disodium (anhydrous), 473.37
Mr2 = molecular weight of pemetrexed disodium (anhydrous), 471.38
SALMETEROL INHALATION POWDER ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP40–NF35 6096 1-Apr-2018 USP42–NF37 USP42–NF37 Line 2 of USP Salmeterol Related Compound H RS: Change
1-Hydroxy-4-[2-hydroxy-5-(1-hydroxy-2-{[6-(4-phenylbutoxy)hexyl]amino}ethyl)benzyl]-2-naphthoic acid.
C36H43NO6 585.73
1-Hydroxy-4-[2-hydroxy-5-(1-hydroxy-2-{[6… Read More
FLUTICASONE PROPIONATE AND SALMETEROL INHALATION POWDER ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP40–NF35 4309 1-Apr-2018 USP42–NF37 USP42–NF37 Line 2 of USP Salmeterol Related Compound H RS: Change
1-Hydroxy-4-[2-hydroxy-5-(1-hydroxy-2-{[6-(4-phenylbutoxy)hexyl]amino}ethyl)benzyl]-2-naphthoic acid.
C36H43NO6 585.73
1-Hydroxy-4-[2-hydroxy-5-(1-hydroxy-2-{[6… Read More
<661.1> PLASTIC MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION TEST METHODS/Tin in Non-Tin-Stabilized Materials USP41–NF36 6403 1-Apr-2018 USP42–NF37 USP42–NF37 Line 3 of Sample solution: Change
If the solution is not colorless, add the sodium sulfate
If the solution is not colorless, add the sodium sulfite
PERINDOPRIL ERBUMINE IMPURITIES/Limit of Perindopril Related Compound I/System suitability USP40–NF35 5644 1-Apr-2018 USP42–NF37 USP42–NF37 Line 3: Add
[Note—The relative retention times for perindopril and perindopril related compound I are 1.0 and 1.6, respectively.]
CHLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE ORAL RINSE Identification USP40–NF35 3367 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of C: Change
Undiluted Oral Rinse used as the test solution meets the requirements for Identification test B under Calcium Gluconate, except that a Standard solution containing about 0.6 mg of USP Potassium Gluconate RS per mL is used and 15 μL… Read More
REAGENTS REAGENT SPECIFICATIONS USP41–NF36 5724 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 2 of 9Z-Retinoic Acid: Change
AMLODIPINE AND ATORVASTATIN TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities Related to Atorvastatin First Supplement to USP41–NF36 8270 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 In the variable definition list in Analysis: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of atorvastatin calcium, 1209.39
Mr2 = molecular weight of atorvastatin calcium, 1155.34
PIPERACILLIN AND TAZOBACTAM FOR INJECTION IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities, Procedure 2/Table 3 USP40–NF35 5728 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Footnote m: Change
(2S,5R,6R)-Ethyl 6-((R)-2-{(2S,5R,6R)-6-[(R)-2-(4-ethyl-2,3-dioxopiperazine-1-carboxamido)-2-phenylacetamido]-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxamido}-2-phenylacetamido)-3,3-dimethyl-7-… Read More
AMLODIPINE AND ATORVASTATIN TABLETS ASSAY/Procedure First Supplement to USP41–NF36 8270 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 In the variable definition list of the second equation in Analysis: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of atorvastatin calcium, 1209.39
Mr2 = molecular weight of atorvastatin calcium, 1155.34
NOREPINEPHRINE BITARTRATE IDENTIFICATION/B. Procedure USP40–NF35 5380 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of Analysis: Change
Add 1 drop of ferric chloride TS.
Add 1 drop of ferric chloride TS to 2 mL of Sample solution.
Boquilla del Inhalador
Inhaler Mouthpiece
Tubo de Admisión
Induction Port
Cono de Ingreso
Entrance Cone
<81> ANTIBIOTICS—MICROBIAL ASSAYS CALCULATIONS/Turbidimetric Assay/Sample Data USP40–NF35 143 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Second equation in Step 1: Change
0.0125 =
0.0062 =
Third equation in Step 1: Change
0.0325 =
0.0322 =
PAROXETINE HYDROCHLORIDE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> First Supplement to USP40–NF35 Online 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of USP Paroxetine Related Compound F RS: Change
AMLODIPINE AND ATORVASTATIN TABLETS PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> First Supplement to USP41–NF36 8270 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 In the variable definition list of the second equation in Analysis: Change
Mr2 = molecular weight of atorvastatin calcium, 1209.39
Mr2 = molecular weight of atorvastatin calcium, 1155.34
NOREPINEPHRINE BITARTRATE ASSAY/Procedure USP40–NF35 5380 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of Sample solution: Change
25 mg/mL of Norepinephrine Bitartrate in glacial acetic acid. If necessary warm slightly to effect solution.
Dissolve 500 mg of Norepinephrine Bitartrate in 20 mL of glacial acetic acid, warming slightly if necessary to effect… Read More
<1210> STATISTICAL TOOLS FOR PROCEDURE VALIDATION 3. ACCURACY AND PRECISION/3.1 Methods for Estimating Accuracy and Precision USP41–NF36 7622 1-Mar-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Paragraph 4: Change
For example, with ɑ = 0.05 and n = 9, t0.95:8 = 1.860 provides a 100(1− 2 × 1.05)%
For example, with ɑ = 0.05 and n = 9, t0.95:8 = 1.860 provides a 100(1 − 2 × 0.05)%
POWDERED ECHINACEA PALLIDA EXTRACT IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6935 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 5 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of echinacoside and absence of dicaffeoylquinic acid/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF… Read More
PHENYTOIN ORAL SUSPENSION PERFORMANCE TESTS/Dissolution <711> USP41–NF36 3286 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 In the Analysis: Change
CS = concentration of USP Phenytoin RS in the Standard solution
CS = concentration of USP Phenytoin RS in the Standard solution (mg/mL)
ESZOPICLONE TABLETS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> Revision Bulletin (Official August 01, 2017) Online 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 2 of USP Eszopiclone Related Compound A RS: Change
6-(5-Chloropyridin-2-yl)-7-oxo-6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrazin-5-yl 4-methylpiperazine-1-carboxylate 4-oxide.
C17H17ClN6O4 404.81
[Note—This… Read More
POWDERED DIGITALIS IDENTIFICATION/B. Thin-Layer Chromatographic Identification Test USP40–NF35 3762 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 3 of Standard solution A: Change
lead acetate,
lead acetate TS,
Line 11 of Analysis: Change
Locate the two prominent bands from Standard solution A corresponding in RF value to the two bands from Standard… Read More
NEVIRAPINE TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities USP40–NF35 5333 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of Standard solution: Change
0.125 μg/mL of USP Nevirapine Anhydrous RS from Standard stock solution A in Diluent
0.125 μg/mL of USP Nevirapine Anhydrous RS in Diluent
ECHINACEA PALLIDA IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6931 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 5 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of echinacoside and absence of dicaffeoylquinic acid/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF… Read More
POWDERED ECHINACEA PURPUREA IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6942 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 3 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of chicoric acid and absence of echinacoside/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF… Read More
ECHINACEA SPECIES POWDER CAPSULES IDENTIFICATION USP41–NF36 4595 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 4 of A. HPTLC for Articles of Botanical Origin <203>/For Capsules containing Echinacea angustifolia powder prepared from dried rhizome and roots/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle… Read More
TIMOLOL MALEATE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> First Supplement to USP40–NF35 8416 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 2 of USP Timolol Related Compound A RS: Change
C13H24N4O3S 316.42
(R)-1-(tert-Butylamino)-3-(4-morpholino-1,2,… Read More
<1103> IMMUNOLOGICAL TEST METHODS—ENZYME-LINKED IMMUNOSORBENT ASSAY (ELISA) PROCEDURES/Solid Phase USP40–NF35 1344 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 7 of Coating the Solid Phase—Immobilization of Capture Reagent: Change
1–10 µg/well
1–10 µg/mL
ESZOPICLONE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP40–NF35 4090 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 2 of USP Eszopiclone Related Compound A RS: Change
6-(5-Chloropyridin-2-yl)-7-oxo-6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolo[3,4-b]pyrazin-5-yl 4-methylpiperazine-1-carboxylate 4-oxide.
C17H17ClN6O4 404.81
[Note—This… Read More
POWDERED ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6926 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 5 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of echinacoside and dicaffeoylquinic acid/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF)… Read More
ECHINACEA PURPUREA AERIAL PARTS IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6937 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 3 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of chicoric acid and absence of echinacoside/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF… Read More
ECHINACEA SPECIES DRY EXTRACT CAPSULES IDENTIFICATION USP41–NF36 4590 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 4 of A. HPTLC for Articles of Botanical Origin <203>/For Capsules containing Echinacea angustifolia Dry Extract/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle section due to caftaric acid (… Read More
QUETIAPINE EXTENDED-RELEASE TABLETS IMPURITIES/Organic Impurities Revision Bulletin (Official November 01, 2017) Online 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Footnote a of Table 5: Change
total impurities.
total degradation products.
Footnote b: Change
total impurities.
total degradation products.
DOBUTAMINE IN DEXTROSE INJECTION Identification USP40–NF35 3843 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of B: Change
It meets the requirements for the Identification test under Dextrose.
Add a few drops of a solution (1 in 20) to 5 mL of hot alkaline cupric tartrate TS. A copious red precipitate of cuprous oxide is formed.
TIMOLOL MALEATE TABLETS ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS/USP Reference Standards <11> USP40–NF35 6481 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 3 of USP Timolol Related Compound D RS: Change
POWDERED ECHINACEA PALLIDA IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6933 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 5 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of echinacoside and absence of dicaffeoylquinic acid/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF… Read More
POWDERED ECHINACEA PURPUREA EXTRACT IDENTIFICATION USP40–NF35 6944 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 3 of A. Thin-Layer Chromatography/Presence of chicoric acid and absence of echinacoside/System suitability: Change
Standard solution B shows two major blue bands at about the middle of the chromatogram due to caftaric acid (lower RF Read More
BRETYLIUM TOSYLATE IN DEXTROSE INJECTION Identification USP40–NF35 3049 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of B: Change
It responds to the Identification test under Dextrose.
Add a few drops of a solution (1 in 20) to 5 mL of hot alkaline cupric tartrate TS. A copious red precipitate of cuprous oxide is formed.
LIDOCAINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND DEXTROSE INJECTION Identification USP40–NF35 4852 1-Feb-2018 USP42–NF37 Second Supplement to USP41–NF36 Line 1 of B: Change
It responds to the Identification test under Dextrose.
Add a few drops of a solution (1 in 20) to 5 mL of hot alkaline cupric tartrate TS. A copious red precipitate of cuprous oxide is formed.